So I'm quitting smoking and my quit date was set for tomorrow. I ran out of cigarettes earlier today. I've started my GNC Whole Body Cleanse. My body has been out of whack for a long time. I'd like to feel normal for once. I don't think for one second that I ever had some kind of homeostasis. Hopefully, I can find one. Hell, I better find one- it cost me enough.
I've been looking for online support mostly. I have exactly one friend supporting me. I'm sure my family is behind me 100 %; I just don't talk to them that much. It's a shame but I work nights mostly and that is the only appropriate time to call them.
I'm doing alright cravings-wise. I'm drinking a lot of water. Monday I gotta buy some groceries. I hope to get some healthy food so my cleanse isn't in vain. I don't really understand the importance of the food being organic though. Organic is expensive and frankly, I don't have that luxury. The body cleanse was my splurge. It was a toss up between some mid-level vodka and the body cleanse. For once, I actually chose the healthy option. Scary-I am actually thinking like an adult and considering a future past 2012.
Sorry, I still say the world will end in December 21, 2012 or possibly, it will be a new start. The state of affairs will get worse before they get better. Either way, I wanna be prepared. And I'm open to people's interpretations. Drop me a line.
I wish I could give you some advice, but I've never smoked...I can't imagine how hard it must be to quit!